

So just thought I would briefly post how well the bakesale on Sunday went. But first I just want to thank everyone who baked something, and my family for running it for me since I got very sick early Sunday morning. They are great. :)

So I got more than enough money to send in my application :) Yay!! We got just over 145.00 I think. My mom counted it Sunday evening and it was something like that so Yay God.

I still have one more book to read, and honestly I am struggling a little bit. Normally I love to read but I'm having difficulty keeping my motivation up cause the fear of "its not going to work" keeps rearing its ugly head.

And I know God is an amazing God and keeps his promises and with him everything is possible. Its been shown to me countless times...So why do I still struggle with having faith?

Also on a different note entirely but I feel like i need to write this down some where so here is as good as any. I dug the ring that Ryan gave me out from the shoebox and am wearing it again. Weird ya I know but I'm not wearing it for the original reason he gave it to me. When Ryan and I were together it was a promise ring, a promise that we would be together always. Well God stepped in and straightened us out and put us back on the path He wanted us on. And so when we broke up, I took the ring off and put it back in the box and put the box in a shoebox with all the letters from him and put it under my bed. I haven't really thought of it much since I got over the break up.
Until the other day. I just started thinking about God and the promises I made to Him and the promises I broke to Him and myself. And normally this would bring me to tears but I felt God was with me. That no matter how I fail in keeping my promises, He will never break His promises to me. So I am wearing the ring as a reminder that God will deliver on the Promises He gave me, as a reminder to never take my life out of His hands, as a reminder to always listen to God and do it His way and not try to take matters in my own and say "it was God" when really...it was me helping God out. :) So yeah just felt like sharing that little revelation of mine =D

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