
That's who I am?

Has someone ever told you their first impression of you and it shocked you?

Or how about someone telling you that you sound one way when you think it sounds a complete different way?

Or maybe you said something and meant it one way but the person took it completely different?

I think we all go through something like that. But what is it about us that thinks we sound normal when really that phrase that just left our mouth came out completely rude or harsh to everyone who heard it?

Is it pride in us that tells us we sound fine? Are we just products of our culture or family atmosphere?

And when we realize that this is a problem and we try to fix it but nothing gets better, what do we do?

We pray for God's help and grace right?

Well, what if I've been doing that for a year and yet still get told that a lot of my remarks come off sounding harsh and rude?

What then?


On your mark...get set....GO!

And we're off!

Literally this year has taken off at a fast pace and it will be all I can do to keep up. In fact, the only way to keep up is to make sure I'm running with God. So much has already happen that it is overwhelming a bit. God has sure set the pace for us this year and it's not just a sprint but long distance sprint.

Induction went smooth and the Lord was speaking freely. It was awesome. Gary and Sandy Cake were with us this weekend and gave us a message that I will be digesting for years as I realize what it means for me and my generation.

I'm so excited though. This weekend as we inducted Laurie, Tim and Melissa it became clear that this was a strong class that God hand picked for this year. It was even spoken over them that they would start where our class left off instead of having to start over at step 1! That is such a testament to their character and strength in Him. I'm so honored and blessed to be a part of this year.

Bring in on Lord. Just stay with us!



Back to the Beginning, but not quite...

I'm back in Oklahoma city. The place where I started my amazing journey to find my Lord and King as my Father. The year was truly a blessing without measure or words to explain the depth of my findings. I can say that I came out of the year with glorious treasures.

I didn't make writing here a priority like I wanted to but I'm going to try again. Here I am this year, not as a student but as an intern but I know God has so much more to teach me just in a different way this year. I'm excited to see all that he does in the three students for this year. I'm amazed that I get to be a part of their journey.

Coming back to Oklahoma I find myself reunited with four of my classmates: Levi and Mel join me as Interns, Ryan and Hannah complete us as Externs. It's wonderful but also bittersweet as we are missing vital parts in Sarah, Ariana and Joseph (!Brightside! He belongs to the church so we shall see him often)

Tim, Laurie, and Melissa W. will be joining us Saturday as students and a new family will become a work in progress.

Many things have tried to stand in the way of this year but through all the sadness and pain we have come to remember that it is not unto death but unto the Glory of God. He has plans for this year and so far they are getting my blood pumping in a way that only His creativity and joy can! I'm so excited to see what this chapter of my life will tell, writing it shall be more of a priority this year as I plan on making this part of my journaling experience; combining technology with my leather bound greatness of paper.


Otter, Beaver, Golden Retriever

Choleric, Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Melancholy

Ever heard these terms before?

How about D, I, S, C?

Or even Lion, Otter, Golden Retriever, Beaver?

Temperaments. These are all different ways to say the same things about what a person's tendencies in life are. We recently took a personality test here at MCOKC. It was very insightful and interesting to see how what people's personalities were and how accurate this little test can be, generally speaking of course as there are always exceptions and not everything in one personality will describe you completely.

For those of you who are reading this (and by the way thank you!) and have no idea what I am talking about, I will explain.

Everyone has a personality, everyone has tendencies and little quirks that help make them who they are. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. This quiz is helpful to know yourself as well as know those around you and how to respond (not react) to one another.

Choleric (D, Lion) people are usually very take charge kind of people. They can be described as determined, dominant, dictators, and powerful among other things. They like to be in control and have things their way. They generally are your problem solvers, leaders, risk takers, direct and decisive. They can be innovative, will place high-value on being on time. They can also overstep authorities, be a bit argumentative and will try too much at once. Their greatest fear is that they will be taken advantage of. They are very direct in conflict.

Sanguine (I, Otter) people are the 'fun' people. Everything revolves around having fun. They are known as being influential, inspiring, talkative, and are generally popular. They are people oriented and very carefree. They dislike being controlled and are pretty loud. These people tend to be very enthusiastic, persuasive, optimistic and emotional. They are creative problem solvers, great at encouraging others, good motivational speakers, and have a pretty good sense of humor. They also tend to be more concerned with what others think of them as they are doing something rather than on the something they are suppose to be doing. They tend to zone out on others and be inattentive. Their greatest fear is rejection and they run from conflict.

Phlegmatic (S, Golden Retriever) people are steady. They are loyal, mediators, easy going, and peaceful. They like to take the easy way and are very service oriented. They are calm and cooperative until a sudden change happens and the boat is rocked. They also like to procrastinate. These people are usually good listeners, team players, understanding and friendly. They tend to be a bit possessive but very reliable and dependable. Patient and empathetic can be used to describe them as well. They resist change, hold grudges, but are good at reconciling conflicts when they are not involved. Their greatest fear is loss of security.

Melancholy (C, Beaver) people are competent, dedicated, thinkers, and perfectionists. They like things to be done the right way and are very analytical. They tend to be introverted and have high standards. Usually, they are very deeply gifted but they have mood swings. They are accurate, conscientious, careful, precise, fact finders, and systematic. They are pretty even tempered but very emotional. They are thorough and like to define things. They need clear cut boundaries for action and relationships. They can be bound by procedures and methods and can get bogged down in details. While they are emotional, they prefer not to be open about it. Their greatest fear is being criticized.

So if you haven't guessed by now, my title represents what I am in the order I am. I am very high Sanguine, then Melancholy and a little Phlegmatic. Apparently I didn't register high at all in Choleric like I thought I might (and as Larissa thought I would too but I probably didn't because I was in Master's Commission)

Anyway, the importance of this test and finding out what all goes into your personality is to know yourself. Once you know yourself, you can better relate to others. And once you know others' personalities, you can better relate to them. It was interesting to see all my brothers' and sisters' personality types and then think about how we relate to one another and how I should relate to them in the future. Things about each of us seem to make more sense.

Another cool thing about this test was to see people in the Bible that have the same temperament or tendencies as you. My results were David, Gideon, and Naomi. Pretty cool since I was once told I had a David's heart. =)

So here I am: Otter, Beaver, Golden Retriever!


Clear Stone Tree Frog

You put your right hand in, you put your wrong hand out, you put your right hand in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself about. That's what its all about!

Um...no. lol.

So it's not all about bring right and wrong...or the hokey pokey. It's all about Jesus Christ. Everything in life boils down to our Savior on the cross. That is what I'm learning and what my mind is wrapping around right now. God doesn't care if I'm right or wrong, he doesn't care that I follow the letter of his law. He cares that I have a right relationship with his Son whom everything was created by and for. If I have a relationship with him and strive to know him...I won't need to worry about if I am right or not. How mind bendingly awesome!

So in everything I do right now, I'm trying to keep the focus on God. For I find i struggle the most when taking my eyes off of him and only concentrating on my work that has to be done.

I got a prophecy yesterday that I was a clear stone for people to see through to the other side. Yet I tended to let my clarity get clouded by confusion and when confusion came it attacked my teaching gift. So I find that if I keep focusing on God, my confusion melts away.

I've also had a word from God directly calling me his little tree frog for my soul clung to him. He reminded me of that yesterday. So if I can remember to cling to him, to look to him always I will be that clear stone.