
My Friend is Brilliant and Make Over

In my last post I mentioned trying to get better at blogging as well as adding a beauty blog to the my other two blogs even though I find it tough to keep the two I have up. I was talking to my friend about it and she gave me a brilliant idea. I’m going to combine my blogs. It will be so much easier managing the one blog and it isn’t the end of the world combining my topics. In fact, it might be more entertaining. So this blog will be getting a bit of a make over/overhaul.

Then I had to think about how I’m going to do this. I could pick certain days and do a certain topic on that day, like Beauty Tuesday, Monday Musings, etc. This also gives me a deadline to work toward and I do well with deadlines. They make things real for me. Or I could just do headings when I start a post that way you all know what that post will be about. That way I won’t be tied down to just doing that topic on a certain day….

I think I like the certain days though better. Deadlines sound good to me. Now to just come up with names...

I'm also thinking if I will just start over on my art blogging or import my other blog into this one. I haven’t decided yet. 

Please, bear with me while I make this transition. But I hope you enjoy this new journey with me. 

If you have any suggestions on names of the certain post types, feel free to leave a comment. 


Never going to give up.

It is more than obvious that keeping a blog current and up to date is a bit hard for me. I've always known that. It's been a struggle for a while ever since I abandoned Xanga. (Sometimes I miss those days - The days of being a teenager and having no life) And yet, I keep trying. Not only that, but I decide to try and run two blogs. This one and my art blog.

Truth is things happen. I get interrupted and my ways of maintaining these blogs are questionable. My computer isn't the greatest (its actually a netbook) My internet went out for a while. I get lazy. My camera stops working or my crafty mojo stops (for the art blog)

But no matter what there is still this lingering desire to keep trying to be a better blogger. Why? Who knows? Its not because the hype of blogging. It's not because I want to make money out of these blogs really. I don't even know that I want loads of readers (that would mean I would HAVE to write more often lol)

I think its because there is something in me that needs to get out. I feel that I need to work toward something. I like to write. I like my art. I like sharing what I've learned. Thus I will keep trying.

Oh and not only will I keep trying on these current two blogs but am highly considering another blog.
I had tossed the idea around of giving this blog a make over. However, I like this one being my personal blog and I don't want to lose that. And I really want to keep up the art blog. But I also really want to do a beauty/style blog. (Like there aren't enough out there already) Mostly I want to do one for my friends around the world who want to get more into beauty things but haven't a clue where to really start and can't just go shopping with me whenever they want. :) You know who you are. ;)

Yeah, so, this is me, trying again.

Oh yeah, and I haven't forgotten that moleskine comparison yet. It's still coming.