
Never going to give up.

It is more than obvious that keeping a blog current and up to date is a bit hard for me. I've always known that. It's been a struggle for a while ever since I abandoned Xanga. (Sometimes I miss those days - The days of being a teenager and having no life) And yet, I keep trying. Not only that, but I decide to try and run two blogs. This one and my art blog.

Truth is things happen. I get interrupted and my ways of maintaining these blogs are questionable. My computer isn't the greatest (its actually a netbook) My internet went out for a while. I get lazy. My camera stops working or my crafty mojo stops (for the art blog)

But no matter what there is still this lingering desire to keep trying to be a better blogger. Why? Who knows? Its not because the hype of blogging. It's not because I want to make money out of these blogs really. I don't even know that I want loads of readers (that would mean I would HAVE to write more often lol)

I think its because there is something in me that needs to get out. I feel that I need to work toward something. I like to write. I like my art. I like sharing what I've learned. Thus I will keep trying.

Oh and not only will I keep trying on these current two blogs but am highly considering another blog.
I had tossed the idea around of giving this blog a make over. However, I like this one being my personal blog and I don't want to lose that. And I really want to keep up the art blog. But I also really want to do a beauty/style blog. (Like there aren't enough out there already) Mostly I want to do one for my friends around the world who want to get more into beauty things but haven't a clue where to really start and can't just go shopping with me whenever they want. :) You know who you are. ;)

Yeah, so, this is me, trying again.

Oh yeah, and I haven't forgotten that moleskine comparison yet. It's still coming.


  1. I definitely feel ya on the keeping things current! What helped me a lot was to make it my new year's resolution: I will blog once a week. Just once! And that helped me get into the habit. This year's resolution was to blog two times a week. Most of the time it happens; sometimes it doesn't. The point is to make your blog work for you :)

  2. That's some great advice! I do have a plan actually. See my next post. Hopefully, it will be what works for me. Thanks!
