
Wax on, wax off

Cheesy title, yeah I know. But let's talk wax.

Beauty is pain blah, blah, blah. I just hate plucking and shaving. Now I haven't had the chance to have my legs waxed yet but I will.

Mostly I wax my eyebrows and yes I do them myself. I don't feel like paying ten bucks every two weeks when I can pay six dollars and have wax that lasts me several months.

Someone asked me why pay for wax when you can make sugar wax with stuff in the kitchen. Now, I am all for trying all natural routes. I mean I stopped using shampoo and I make my own shaving lotion. So I gave it a try.

I should have taken pictures, it was such a messy disaster. It took forever to cook. I followed the directions (it had pictures) and it looked exactly like the pictures. It was so sticky. But it wouldn't stick to my hair. At all. Nothing!

So I caved and bought my old faithful wax by Sally Hansen. No, I can't pronounce everything in it but it works. I'm good with it for now.

And that's all I got for Beautiful Tuesday number two! Now to go wax my eyebrows!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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